Members Changing Departments – The letter of offer from the new employer must be provided to the old department for their human resources department to prepare the necessary paperwork to be sent to the Public Service Pay Centre.
Acting Assignments – Members must check in My Government of Canada Human Resources (MyGCHR) and ensure that their section 34 manager approved their acting pay, and then submitted to the Public Service Pay Centre for processing prior to escalating to USJE.
Sick Leave – Members applying for long-term disability (LTD) are required to wait the 13-week period (considered short term disability) during which time they will need to use their current sick leave credits. If a member does not have sick leave credits necessary for this 13-week period, it may be necessary to apply for to Employment Insurance Benefits to bridge them to LTD.
Records of Employment (ROE) – ROEs can only be provided to Service Canada. Members should visit their local Service Canada location or Service Centre, provide their PRI #, name and Social Insurance Number to view their ROE.