Thanks to Kirsty Havard RVP BC (CSC), USJE had the opportunity this month to help mentor young women in potential careers in public safety – as part of a Public Safety Canada mentorship program.
The Young Women in Public Safety Internship Program is a one-week internship offered to 21 female high school students from Grades 11 and 12. It brings influential female leaders in public safety and security organizations together with female students to expose them to opportunities in public safety careers.
During this year’s program, Kirsty Havard, RVP BC (CSC) showcased USJE and the work our members do. Her presentation was part of CSC’s day of programming, held onsite at the Correctional Learning and Development Centre in Abbotsford, BC. Piloted in 2017, the program is designed to give participants an opportunity to tour public safety and security organizations, observe day-to-day operations and meet with effective and influential female leaders working in public safety institutions.
It was a great experience, Kirsty says, to provide mentorship to such engaged young women. Using the new USJE member handbook, Kirsty explained the diverse jobs our members undertake to keep Canadians safe, as well as, the role USJE plays in supporting members. She shared her own employment journey in Corrections and at lunch had the opportunity to speak with participants. She was also pleased to learn the program pays them $15 an hour to attend.
Prior to their day with CSC, the young women met with RCMP women mentors. Public Safety says the internship program is gaining in popularity and currently receives several hundred applicants every year.