A list of PSAC’s top Phoenix-related bargaining demands

Aside from compensation for Phoenix damages, the impact of the Phoenix pay system is a central bargaining issue for each of PSAC’s federal public service bargaining units. Your bargaining teams will not accept a deal that does not enshrine pay-related protections in future collective agreements. As the majority of our government bargaining units move through the Public Interest Commission process, here is a reminder of the Phoenix related bargaining demands that are on the table: 

Interest and penalties on late payments 

PSAC is demanding a penalty clause in the collective agreement so that members are properly compensated when they are not paid properly or on time. They should receive daily interest on any delays. In addition, we are seeking fair compensation for members if the employer fails to implement new collective agreements on time or provide retroactive pay on schedule. 

Consultation on any major technological changes 

PSAC is demanding more and proper consultation before any technological changes are put in place affecting our members.  When the Phoenix pay system was launched in 2016, the government did not properly consult PSAC and refused to address the problems members flagged with the system long before the government rolled it out to all departments. 

Stop the recovery of overpayments until pay issues are resolved 

We want an end to the recovery of overpayments before an employee’s pay issues are completely resolved. Although PSAC has secured a temporary agreement to halt this practice, we want this protection included in our collective agreements. As well, we are demanding that future repayment schedules not exceed 10% of an employee’s net pay unless the employee requests a different schedule. 

Reimbursements for financial services 

PSAC is seeking reimbursement for members who are forced to seek accounting and financial management counselling due to pay problems caused by the employer. Phoenix has caused many members to turn to financial experts to help undo the negative impact of their pay problems on their financial reporting, including their taxes and credit scores. PSAC members should not be on the hook for any future expenses stemming from Phoenix pay problems.