AGMs and Elections
Annual General Membership Meeting
Your Local is required to hold an Annual General Membership Meeting (AGM) with its members, in accordance with USJE Bylaws. The notice for the AGM, including time, date and location, must be posted at least 15 days before the meeting.
At the AGM, your Local will present its annual reports and conduct union business.
The election of Local Officers usually takes place at the AGM. However, an election can take place whenever a position becomes vacant during a term.
Follow the election rules set out in your Local bylaws first, followed by USJE Bylaw 9 for anything not covered in your Local bylaws.
Notice of Annual General Meeting Template
Annual General Meeting Agenda Template
Local bylaws: If your Local does not have a copy of its Local bylaws, your Local President can contact National Office Finance and Administration Team at
USJE Bylaw 9:
Local positions
Each Local has the following positions (which may or may not all be filled at any one time):
- President
- Vice-President(s)
- Secretary*
- Treasurer*
- Chief Shop Steward (position exists in some Locals)
- Shop Steward(s) (position may be elected or appointed as per Local bylaws)
*In some locals, the roles of Secretary and Treasurer are combined. For a list of responsibilities for each position, please see page 15 in the Local Officer Handbook.
Local election process
Your Local bylaws outline your Local’s election procedures and set the terms of office.
Some general procedures for holding Local elections:
- Elections are held by secret ballot.
- An Elections Chair takes over the AGM to run the Local election. They should be one of the following: a member who is not seeking an elected position in your Local, your Regional Vice-President (RVP), your PSAC Regional Executive Vice-President (REVP) or a USJE National Office staff member.
- Nominations for candidates are accepted before or at the meeting, and must have a nominator and seconder.
- Candidates in contested positions have an opportunity to speak at the meeting.
- If only one candidate is nominated for a position, the candidate is elected by acclamation.
- Winning candidates must receive a clear majority of votes. If a first ballot yields no clear majority, the candidate with the fewest votes is dropped off the ballot and another round of balloting is held.
- All elected USJE Local Officers take office at the end of the meeting, after taking the Oath of Office (see below), as per USJE Bylaw 9.
For more information on running a Local election, please see the Local Elections section in the Local Officer Toolbox.
Local bylaws — If your Local does not have a copy of its Local bylaws, your Local President can contact the National Office Finance and Administration Team at
Clear majority — Definition of clear majority: more than half of the votes of the membership present at the meeting. For example, if 7 votes are cast, the clear majority (more than 3.5) is 4 or more.
USJE Bylaw 9 — Election rules – USJE Bylaws:
USJE Local Officer Toolbox — Locals – Local Elections:

Oath of Office
I, …………………….. , having been elected an officer of the USJE-PSAC, solemnly declare that for my term of office I shall fulfill the duties of such office, will maintain and uphold the dignity of the office, and will always keep confidential all matters concerning the affairs of the organization that are brought to my attention.
Hold other meetings as required
In addition to holding your AGM, your Local may also need to hold one or more meetings during the year as per your Local Bylaws. Make sure to check your Local bylaws to ensure that your Local is complying with them.
Alternately, your Local may choose to hold additional meetings to cover any issues that may arise.
Local bylaws — If your Local does not have a copy of its bylaws, your Local President can contact the National Office Finance and Administration Team at to receive one.
USJE National Triennial Convention delegate elections
Representation at the convention is in accordance with By-Law 10, Sections 5, 6 and 7;
Locals shall elect from amongst its members at a general meeting one accredited delegate for each 150 members or portion thereof.
When several sections are to be merged under one Local, this Local shall maintain the pro rata of each Section to determine the number of delegates to Convention.
Locals comprised of two or more Sections may decide to elect delegates based on the above formula for each Section.
Representation at National Convention is based on the number of members in good standing.
“Locals shall ensure that no delegates shall be nominated who have not attended at least 75% of the Local’s general meetings during the previous 12 month period unless a satisfactory reason is given for such absence.”
Alternate delegates
Locals should elect an alternate delegate for each accredited delegate in the event that they can’t attend Convention.
Locals can send observers to Convention. Observers shall have the right to observe the proceedings, but they shall not have the right to vote nor to participate in debate”.
PSAC National Convention delegate election
Delegates to the Triennial National Convention of the PSAC shall be elected at the USJE Convention.