USGE is getting just a little tired with the RCMP SRR Program slamming the Categories of Employees Project and demoralizing public service employees who work for the organization.
USGE making some headway with the review of National Generic Work Descriptions
For several months now, USGE and CSC have been working together to find a viable solution in order to review the National Generic Work Descriptions for approximately 80 different work groups, all in an effort to clear up more than 3,000 grievances.
Policy Grievance Filed against the RCMP
On May 27th, 2010, the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC), as our Bargaining Agent, filed a policy grievance against the RCMP, pursuant to Section 220 of the Public Service Labour Relations Act (PSLRA).
Retroactive Reclassification of RCMP members
On April 21st, 2010, the RCMP issued a News Flash which informed RCMP employees that in light of a recent interpretation given by the Treasury Board, through the National Compensation Services, that they (the RCMP) would no longer proceed with administrative actions to remunerate individuals who were previously incumbents and/or temporarily performed the duties of positions that were being were retroactively reclassified.
Communication to proceed with resolution of job content grievances
The USGE and CSC have been working together to come up with a working proposal to deal with the National Generic Work Descriptions. The following communiqué is the first step in this process.
USGE Cross-Country Tour Starts Up
On April 20, the first of USGE’s Regional Conferences and Collective Bargaining Conferences started up in the Ontario Region.
An Open Letter to Prime Minister Harper
The Union of Solicitor General Employees is seriously calling into question your government’s decision to close Canada’s six prison farms. We believe this decision is not in the best interest of the farm program participants, nor in the best interest of the Canadian public.
Presentation to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Public Safety a great success
Of note, John Edmunds, National President of the USGE, John Leeman, former inmate and graduate of the prison farm program, Bill Flanagan, Dean of Law at Queens University, all hit home runs in an concerted effort to convince the Committee members to return to Parliament a review of the shortsighted decision to close the prison farms.