In her more than 30 years as a union activist, Lois Greenhalgh never shied away from a challenge or from an opportunity to improve working conditions for members.
Lois joined USJE in 1985 when she went to work for Correctional Service Canada at Warkworth Institution in Ontario. She was an active union member right away. By the time she transferred to the Prince Albert RCMP in 1989, she was skilled at solving workplace issues. This did not go unappreciated by her co-workers, who convinced her to run for President of Local 40059 in 1991.
Local 40059 is spread out across Northern Saskatchewan, where working conditions are often less than ideal. After seeing the unsafe and unhealthy buildings in some isolated posts, Lois joined the Health &Safety Committee to lobby for improvements. She also sat on many other committees, giving her time to the Regional Women’s Committee, the Public Service Committee and the Prince Albert Area Council.
In 2003 Lois moved to Camrose, Alberta, where she worked at Bashaw Detachment in K Division before transferring to Camrose Detachment. She ran for President of Local 30065 in 2003 and won. Lois held this position until her recent retirement in October 2021.
When Lois was given an opportunity to train as a Harassment Investigator she leapt at the chance, and over the years was called upon to investigate many complaints within the RCMP. She also trained in conflict management, a skill that has earned her great respect from both managers and members.
Lois has walked picket lines and attended endless rallies, not only in support of her own members but in support of members in many other components. Over the years she has become a recognizable face at union events and at USJE and PSAC offices.

Lois is a proud union member and has accomplished much throughout her years of service. Her kindness, honesty, directness and intelligence make people want to engage with her. Hers is a voice everyone wants on their side.
In April 2022, Lois was honoured with a USJE Exemplary Service Award. This award is given to USJE members who have provided outstanding contributions to their Local or region and Lois is an extremely deserving recipient.