Congratulations winners of our Let’s Get Social contest

Congratulations to all the winners in our Let’s Get Social contest draw!

Jo-Lynn Loyer, from Local 20141 in BC, won an iPad Air, Sarah Greenland, from Local 60052 in New Brunswick, won an iPhone 13 and Chantal Sabourin, from Local 10004 in Quebec, won an Apple Watch Series 7. We also sent out 25 pairs of Skullcandy headphones and 25 Forte speakers to winners across the country.

The contest gave us a huge increase in our social media interactions in June with a 2,200 per cent rise in Facebook likes, a 1,300 per cent hike in Instagram followers and the USJE Twitter account saw 1,500 per cent increase in new followers. We also saw a significant rise in subscribers to our newsletter.

Missed the contest? Keep up with the latest USJE news by following us on all our channels – FacebookTwitter and Instagram.