National Triennial Convention
Plans are in full swing for USJE’s upcoming Eighteenth Triennial National Convention in St. John’s, NL from Tuesday July 7 to Friday July 10, 2020.
USJE’s National Triennial Convention acts as the supreme governing body of USJE. It deals with resolutions and matters brought before it and establishes the general policies of the organization. During Convention, which is held every three years, Delegates vote on Resolutions and elect all Regional Vice-Presidents, and USJE Delegates to PSAC Convention. The National President and National Vice-President are also determined during Convention.
By February 14, 2020, each Local must elect from amongst its membersone accredited delegate for each 150 members or portion thereof. All members of the National Executive are also accredited delegates of Convention.
Locals also have the right to send observers to Convention at the Local’s expense, but observers do not have the right to vote nor to participate in debate. There is a registration fee of $150.00 for each observer. If this something that you might be interested in, please contact your Local Executive.
The registration form for delegates and observers can be found here.
Any questions or concerns regarding convention can be directed to our general convention e-mail:
** Thanks to Steve Viens of Ottawa, Ontario, who won our contest and created our Convention slogan “Stronger Together” **
Frequently Asked Questions
Estimated Entitlements to Convention
Successful Resolution Writing
July 19 2020, 9am - 12pm