As you may have already heard, the PSAC National Board of Directors has called for a National Day of Action for February 28 to mark the second anniversary of the shockingly dysfunctional Phoenix Pay system. Across Canada, PSAC members will be taking action to highlight the ongoing pay fiasco and pressure the federal government to address PSAC’s demands, which include hiring more staff in the pay centre and in departments, as well as paying damages to affected members.
If you are unable to send members to a rally, please organize a visible activity in the workplace during the week of February 26th. Consider a lunchtime walkout, a morning flyer distribution, a flash mob, or anything else that you think your members are willing to engage in that demonstrates their commitment to their colleagues and their expectation that public servants be paid. Be creative, take pictures, and share them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with the #BurntByPhoenix hashtag.
Let’s ensure that on February 28 PSAC members from coast to coast to coast are protesting the government’s failure to fix the Phoenix debacle. This action is just the first step in a renewed escalating campaign aimed at forcing the government to address all of PSAC’s demands in short order, so let’s make it stand out!
The time is now.