In a formal meeting last week between senior staff at Correctional Service Canada and USGE National President Stan Stapleton and National Vice President David Neufeld regarding DRAOR (Dynamic Risk Assessment for Offender Reintegration), USGE was provided with more information about the additional resources being allocated by CSC to cover the extra time that parole officers will incur in sites where DRAOR is being piloted.
USGE has been advised that the specific details regarding these additional resources in each region is available from the Regional Deputy Commissioners and District Directors. USGE has been clear that additional resources must be in place to ensure that parole officers can fully participate in the pilot.
Noting this, USGE is concerned about the impact of the pilot on the workload of parole officers, particularly those in the community where workloads are currently very high. Consequently, USGE will be closely monitoring those sites where DRAOR is being piloted to assess the impact on parole officers.
Should there be concerns about the roll out of the pilot, members should contact their Regional Vice President, Stan Stapleton and/or David Neufeld.