LEAN type management and you!

Many of our members (CSC) work in an environment that operates according to CPORF (Community Parole Officer Resource Formula) methods.

The impacts of this type of management on the well-being and productivity of our members is still poorly understood. Cases of professional exhaustion are frequent and it is essential that we gain a better grasp of the long-term effects of the CPORF approach in order to protect our members.

USJE wishes to identify similarities between CPORF and LEAN management methods. USJE condemns vigorously and opposes LEAN type management in the workplace. USJE therefore wishes to ensure that no resource allocation is akin to this type of management. 

A better understanding of the impacts of these management models are essential in order to demand effective changes.

Dr. Angelo Soares of the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM) is an expert on issues of quality of life at work. Dr. Soares is currently conducting a research project on the impacts of CPORF. This research will help to list the positive and damaging effects of such methods and to ascertain whether links exist between CPORF and LEAN type management and to further measure the risks it represents to our members as well as to the protection of the public. Dr. Soares will consequently be in a position to formulate recommendations for solutions and changes. 

We strongly encourage our PO members (in institution and in the community) to participate in this research project.

Dr. Soares will hold a series of two and a half hour interviews beginning in January 2023. To book an appointment, please complete the form below to indicate your availability. We will arrange a meeting with Dr. Soares on your behalf.