Local Executive Contacts

The USJE strongly supports communication between our members and their elected workplace representatives. To facilitate this, many Local Presidents have permitted us to list their contact coordinates on our website. This is a voluntary opt-in process.

To find your Local President, click on the appropriate region. Locals are listed in numerical order. A listing of the RVPs responsible within the given Regions are also provided at the top of every Region page.

If you do not see your Local listed, or are unsure as to which Local you belong, you may contact your USJE Regional Vice-President by clicking on ‘National Executive’ under the Contacts menu item in the upper navigation bar.

* Please note, these e-mail addresses are listed and solely to be used for union related purposes and not for any commercial purposes whatsoever. Any individual, company or organization who uses this list for marketing purposes will be in non-compliance with Canada’s anti-spam legislation (CASL). They will also be in non-compliance with the Personal Information protection and electronic documents act (PIPEDA).

Pacific Region

Prairies Region

Ontario Region

National Capital Region

Quebec Region

Atlantic Region