Local 40002 President Satinder Bains met with his MP, Michael Kram (Regina-Wascana), last week in Regina to discuss labour issues important to his region and the SV Group, which is currently negotiating their collective agreement.
Satinder and Conservative MP Kram had a productive discussion, speaking at length about collective bargaining, fair wages, privatization and the contracting out of members’ jobs, all issues Satinder is working on as a bargaining representative on the PSAC SV bargaining team. They plan to have a follow-up meeting in the near future.
The SV bargaining team is fighting the employer on several fronts, including a fair wage package, an increase in access to professional development, and against the employer’s push that variable overtime be changed to time and a half from the current time and three quarters.
Long time USJE member and union activist, Satinder is President of RCMP Local 40002 RCMP Depot Division in Regina, Saskatchewan, where he has been a Power Engineer in the Depot Division Central Heating Plant for the past 35 years. He’s also an active member of USJE’s National Equity Committee.
USJE would like to know if you meet with your MP to talk about labour issues. Contact us at USJECommunicationSESJ@psac-afpc.com
At the National Local Presidents Meeting, June 7-8, 2022, Local presidents will get more information on meeting with their MPs and how this can be tracked to help USJE achieve better working conditions for you and all USJE members.
The SV Group is made up of 10,087 employees responsible for the operation of federal buildings and services, including, trades workers, storespeople, cooks, firefighters, hospital workers, lightkeepers and ships’ crews.
To keep up to date on bargaining for your group, go to the PSAC website.