Member picket at Beaver Creek Institution increases support for bargaining

Local executives at Beaver Creek Institution fought off rain and mosquitoes on June 29 to hold an info picket on the state of collective bargaining.

USJE members and federal public sector workers across the country are demanding fair wages, good working conditions and inclusive workplaces.

Ontario CSC RVP Bill Bailey joined Local 00952 President Jaclynn Rhodes, Local 00952A President Heather Wood and other Local executive officers on the line to talk to staff arriving for work. Joyceville Institution Local 00039 President Richard Sweetman and Local 00099 President Kyle Grace also came up from Kingston to demonstrate their support.

The group spoke to members about the negotiations, including demands for fair wages, better working conditions and job security, and encouraged them to show their support with Support our Bargaining Team signs and buttons handed out.

PSAC declared an impasse in May after months of the Treasury Board stalling in negotiations and then making an insulting wage offer that’s completely out of touch with soaring rates of inflation.

Local 00952 President Rhodes said the info picket was a success.

“We had great conversations with our members as many are new and aren’t sure on the process, along with hearing concerns on lack of staff, pay issues and hoping to have a better work/life balance,” Jaclynn said.

Keep up to date on bargaining for your group – sign up for our newsletter and follow us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram. Check out the PSAC website to find your bargaining unit and for an FAQ on how bargaining with the Treasury Board works.