Members ratify Treasury Board agreements

PSAC members have voted to accept the tentative agreements negotiated with Treasury Board for the PA, SV and EB groups.

The process:

  • More than 325 ratification vote meetings over six weeks.
  • The turnout across all groups was 52 per cent.
  • All votes took place by secret ballot.
  • Each agreement needed 50 per cent plus 1 of valid votes in favour of the agreements to be ratified.

The results:

Program and Administrative Services group (PA), representing 81,500 members52.1 % yes
Operational Services group (SV), representing 12,000 members53.7 % yes
Education and Library Science group (EB), representing 1,100 members60.4 % yes

Message from National President John Gordon to PA, SV and EB members:

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Today we announced the results of the ratification vote for members in the PA, SV and EB Treasury Board bargaining groups. I want to thank you for your participation and your engagement in this important process.

I recognize, as does the rest of the union leadership, that this was a very difficult decision. We heard from many of you over the last several weeks who are unhappy with the agreements – particularly the provision to cash out voluntary severance and end its future accumulation.

Let me be the first to assure you that the comments and concerns you provided to us in meetings across Canada, in workplaces, at community events, by email and through social media, were heard.

I want you all to know that I take these concerns seriously and that they will not be ignored. It is important that you continue to participate and engage as we all move forward together to protect jobs and services in the face of significant challenges.

We also heard your concerns about job security and retirement benefits. We heard your concerns about the overall climate in the workplace and the rights we all strive to promote and protect. We especially heard that you want the union to defend your rights.

We heard about how you would like your union to move forward in its fight to ensure the government respects our role and the services we provide to Canadians every day.

We must work together to hold the government to account for protecting jobs and services, and do everything possible to ensure no future erosion of our members’ rights and benefits.

We must work together to send a clear message to the Harper government that public services and the workers that provide them are essential to Canada’s future.

As public sector workers, you work hard and the treatment you are receiving from the Harper government is not what you deserve.

You provide essential services that protect Canadians, giving them access to crucial social benefits and improving the lives of all Canadians.

We must work together to ensure that the employment, income and retirement security of our families and communities is protected as we move forward.

Debate in our union is healthy. Your union leadership is committed to building our solidarity and capacity for action ahead of the battles to come.

By strengthening our solidarity, I know that we can make this happen, and move our union forward – together.

In solidarity,

John Gordon
National President

Next steps for Treasury Board members:

  • Current collective agreements for the PA, SV and EB groups will be reopened to implement some new provisions immediately.
  • New collective agreements will be signed in early 2011.
  • Bargaining conferences for the Border Services group (FB) and the Technical Services group (TC) will be held in January 2011.