National President, David Neufeld, and Regional Vice-President, Zoe Johnston (BC/Yukon RCMP, Justice, PPSC) conducted several site visits together in the Southeast District of British Columbia, in Kelowna and Princeton. The purpose of these visits was to engage the membership, discuss the value of having strong locals and to encourage employees to take on positions as local executives, as well to see and hear firsthand the challenges DSAs face working in a small, remote detachment, and to understand the health and safety concerns that arise when working alone.

The visits were an opportunity to discuss USJE’s six priorities and how these priorities will help guide the union’s work over the next 3 years. USJE representatives also took time to explain what decisions were taken at the Whistler National Convention and how they will impact our members. This included the creation of a USJE National Strike Fund, the adoption of a USJE Equity Conference to take place every 3 years, the development of USJE’s Canada-wide RCMP Campaign that will focus on the protection of our members across the country.
Both National President Neufeld and RVP Johnston were pleased with the personal visits with all the members in attendance, and to see how proud they are to work for the RCMP. On November 20th, National President Neufeld and RVP Johnston went to visit the USJE local at Vancouver Justice. The USJE representatives met with the Local President, Evelyn Taylor, and discussed some of the local challenges. The local is planning to have an AGM soon and RVP Johnston will be present to support the meeting.
That same afternoon the representatives visited the RCMP E Division Headquarter Local in Surrey. At this meeting, National President Neufeld and RVP Johnston met with several Civilian Members, and provided an update on the RCMP deeming process, clarification around the CM grievance process and how the union is working to improve the communications with CMs across the country. National President Neufeld was also given the opportunity to meet Superintendent, Greg Leong, and where both Labour Relations Director Melanie Crescenzi and National President Neufeld were presented with a Labour Relations challenge coin in appreciation for their work with the CM’s and PSE’s. President Neufeld and RVP Johnston enjoyed the conversation with Superintendent Greg Leong and are hopeful in building a strong working relationship with him and his management team at E Division.
National President Neufeld and RVP Johnston would like to thank all the people working at the sites mentioned above for welcoming and meeting with them over the past week. In addition, they send their heartfelt thanks to the Management of each site, for providing them with time to meet with the members during the visits, and National President Neufeld plans to visit additional locals in BC in 2024.