National VP Robinson, DAs secure workplace commitments with RCMP Assistant Commissioner in Newfoundland

November 2nd, 2022 – National Vice-president Lynette Robinson and three Detachment Assistants (DA) from Newfoundland and Labrador met with the CO of B Division, Assistant Commissioner Jennifer Ebert, in St. John’s.

The two-hour long meeting allowed Cindy Primmer from Lewisporte, Tasha Wyatt from Stephenville and Stephanie Dawe from Happy Valley/Goose Bay to address issues of importance to them directly with the Commanding Officer, an absolute first in the Atlantic region. Also present was Trina Stapleton.

The discussion included recognizing the unique roles of DAs, onboarding as well as continual training and mental health supports.

The members were successful in securing an impressive number of commitments from Assistant Commissioner Ebert. These were:

  1. Financial approval for a DSA POWPM.
  2. Review of the reporting structures of DAs
  3. Discussion of the report and the concerns of the DAs brought forward with the senior leadership team in Newfoundland and Labrador
  4. Inclusion of a topic on DSAs for the upcoming NCO POWPM later this month
  5. Review of training and creation of guidance and standardization on exchange of information for MOUs and Criminal record checks
  6. Focus on mental health divisionally through the newly appointed well-being coordinator.
  7. A follow-up within 6 months

The members expressed immense satisfaction with the meeting which was seen as productive and promising.