LEAN type management and you!
Dr. Angelo Soares of the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM) is currently conducting a research project on LEAN management methods to which FARALCC/CPORF bear great similarities. This research will help to list the positive and damaging effects of such methods, to identify how the management methods interlink, and to measure the risks to public safety.
USJE condemns and opposes LEAN type management even though CSC is committed to seeing them through. We strongly encourage our CSC members to participate in this research project.
Interviews with Dr. Soares begin in January; details to come.

Telework Agreements should be based on case-by-case assessments
Despite the Treasury Board Directive on Telework (April 1, 2020), the majority of telework requests are not being treated favourably, nor are managers undertaking an impartial assessment of the personal circumstances of employees who are requesting telework arrangements.
Tell your Commissioner this needs to change now!

Inaugural ceremony of the USJE Public Safety Awards on Parliament Hill — coming March 2023!
USJE is pleased to launch its first ever National Public Safety Awards to recognize and celebrate the outstanding work undertaken by our members across 18 departments and agencies.
We encourage you to think about nominating a colleague whose years of service and commitment to going above and beyond amid challenging work conditions stands out to you and others.
Learn more and nominate a member

CSC Evaluation Division to review operational model at Joyceville Institution this fall
After months of continued pressure from USJE and frontline staff at Joyceville Institution, the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) signalled in October that their Evaluation Division is conducting a special study of the operational model at the Joyceville Assessment Unit (JAU) to better understand how the model functions and its results.

Support for USJE Members Facing Stress and Burnout
If you’re feeling stressed, or if you feel occupational stress affects your life, there is help. You are not alone.
Practical support for you – funded by the federal government
Before Operational Stress (BOS) is a mental health program delivered by Wayfound Mental Health Group, at no charge to you. BOS provides education and strategies to help identify and manage operational stress.
Find Your Way – Register Today
Use the code USJE2022 for free access.

Reminder for Treasury Board members: Moratorium lifted on automatic leave cash-out
USJE has just been made aware of the following information which impacts CSC members:
Employee Phase 2 Pay Out Update — Please be advised that the pay out of excess compensatory/ lieu/ travel leave banks as of September 30 will be paid on the pay of November 9 and will be identifiable on your pay stud under code M40.
However, CSC has also discovered that in some cases, the most current salary rate was not used in the calculation and the amounts to be paid represent an underpayment to the affected employees.

Internal Grievance Handling
USJE is conducting an internal grievance handling survey to assess your views on the grievance handling process. Your answers will help us identify tools and processes to assist you when dealing with grievances.
We will draw from the pool of respondents two lucky winners who will get the chance to pick a fabulous prize!

Protect jobs in Alberta
The new Premier of Alberta, Danielle Smith, is clear about her intention to transition the province of Alberta from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) to a provincial police force.
Alberta members: keep an eye out this month for a mailed package that includes this postcard to show your support for keeping the RCMP in Alberta.
Help protect jobs in Alberta: take action and visit AlbertansForRCMP.ca

It’s Scholarship Time at USJE!
If you are a USJE member in post-secondary studies or have a child, spouse, partner, or dependent going to college or university, USJE is offering a total of six scholarships this year. The deadline for all scholarships is Tuesday, February 1, 2023.
Please head to the scholarship section of the USJE website to find out more about our scholarships and/or to apply.
Upcoming Events
Regional Conferences
Prairies – Edmonton, AB – Nov. 15-17
*Optional training on final day of all conferences
Before Operational Stress (BOS) webinar
January 12, 2023, 18:00 EST
USJE Equity Conference
Winnipeg, MB – January 31-February 3, 2023
USJE National Convention
Whistler, BC – July 17-21, 2023

Victory for organized labour and workers’ rights
PSAC, CUPE and Canada’s labour movement are celebrating the defeat of Doug Ford’s draconian anti-worker legislation Bill 28. The bill would have imposed a regressive contract and stripped 55,000 CUPE education workers in Ontario of fundamental Charter rights.

Register now: National Day of Action, November 28
Over 165,000 members working for Treasury Board or agencies are in bargaining with the federal government this year, and despite months of negotiations, we have seen little to no movement from Treasury Board or agencies on our core bargaining demands. Help us ramp up pressure on the President of Treasury Board, Mona Fortier.