Recently, CBC’s Fifth Estate aired a special investigation into the death of Ashley Smith. The program aired was quite troubling, not simply because of the tragic events that led to Ashley’s death, but also because of an inaccurate reporting of the facts.
CSC decision on PO work description
As written in the most recent PO classification update posted on the USGE website, this unique and accurate work description for Parole Officers combined with a 21st century PO (WP) classification benchmark, should provide our PO members with a classification level truly reflective of the duties being performed.
PO Classification Update
USGE National Office has been for many years and is still actively working to provide Parole Officers (POs) with proper work descriptions that will recognize the professionalism and the uniqueness of this cornerstone position within CSC.
Pay Consolidation Project underway in various government departments
The Prime Minister recently announced its intention of embarking on a Pay Modernization Project and a Pay Consolidation Project. Of particular interest to our members is the latter project. This project will affect those USGE members working as Compensation Advisors within the different departments under our purview.
Union Bashing at its Finest
Staff Relations Representatives at the RCMP continue to attack the credibility and integrity of public service employees in their latest misguided attempts to bring the so-called facts to their civilian members on the Category of Employee issue.
Communiqué from the RCMP Phase I
The RCMP has recently sent out another update communiqué on the DA review and what their plans are for moving ahead.
RCMP SRRs slam COE Project
USGE is getting just a little tired with the RCMP SRR Program slamming the Categories of Employees Project and demoralizing public service employees who work for the organization.
USGE making some headway with the review of National Generic Work Descriptions
For several months now, USGE and CSC have been working together to find a viable solution in order to review the National Generic Work Descriptions for approximately 80 different work groups, all in an effort to clear up more than 3,000 grievances.
Policy Grievance Filed against the RCMP
On May 27th, 2010, the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC), as our Bargaining Agent, filed a policy grievance against the RCMP, pursuant to Section 220 of the Public Service Labour Relations Act (PSLRA).
Retroactive Reclassification of RCMP members
On April 21st, 2010, the RCMP issued a News Flash which informed RCMP employees that in light of a recent interpretation given by the Treasury Board, through the National Compensation Services, that they (the RCMP) would no longer proceed with administrative actions to remunerate individuals who were previously incumbents and/or temporarily performed the duties of positions that were being were retroactively reclassified.