President Neufeld and RVP Ward visit Saskatoon CLDC

National President David Neufeld and Regional Vice-President Shauna Ward (CSC Saskatchewan) visited the Correctional Learning and Development Centre (CLDC) in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Co-Presidents Brenda Schreiner and Laurie Nesbitt of Local 40140 were also present.

A tour of the facility was provided by Heather Heapy, the Acting Director of the CLDC. She graciously provided a very detailed tour of the multi-level training centre and explained how the centre is transitioning to a post-pandemic reality. President Neufeld and RVP Ward were impressed with the amount of training that is currently taking place on site and how USJE members continue to contribute to the essential training needs of the Correctional Service of Canada.

The visit provided the opportunity to meet with several of these USJE members and to answer their questions regarding Phoenix pay issues, USJE’s representation on the new hybrid work model and more general questions around collective bargaining. Telework remains a top priority with many of our members and USJE must continue to advocate for flexibility and a nuanced approach.

President Neufeld and RVP Ward want to thank Co-Presidents Schreiner and Nesbitt for their strong leadership within the local and for assisting with addressing workplace issues.