As you move forward in the process of deeming and becoming members of our union, PSAC-USJE have created a process to welcome CM input to this round of collective bargaining. We are seeking interested CMs to participate in this round, providing input to our bargaining teams by sharing issues that are important to your community.
Though deeming has been postponed, it is important that you have a voice at this round of negotiations with Treasury Board, your ultimate employer.
PSAC will be your bargaining agent and is responsible for the negotiations process for all members, regardless of Component affiliation. USJE, a Component union of PSAC, provides you with direct servicing with respect to RCMP.
Why is collective bargaining important?
Collective bargaining is how the union (the bargaining agent) and management come up with the terms and conditions of employment for the workers involved (the bargaining unit). The Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Act sets out rules for how these negotiations take place and how disputes are handled.
CM involvement in the National Bargaining Conference
The PSAC Treasury Board Units’ Bargaining Conference is scheduled for March 26-29, 2018 in Ottawa.
The National Bargaining Conference is an opportunity for delegates to review the bargaining proposals, establish bargaining priorities, develop mobilization strategies and elect bargaining teams.
PSAC has established a special process for CM input to the bargaining process.
PSAC invites the participation of 11 CMs as “Observers with voice” to the bargaining conference. This means rather than simply observing the proceedings, CMs will be able to speak to issues on the conference floor. Your input and opinions are important to PSAC-USJE; we do want to hear from you.
To assure we have representation for each of the TB units that you will be deemed into, we are making provisions for the following participation:
Programme and Administrative Services (PA) – 5 Civilian Members
Technical Services (TC) – 2 Civilian Members
Operational Services (SV) – 2 Civilian Members
Education and Library Science (EB) – 2 Civilian Members
PSAC-USJE will provide participants with a one-day training on collective bargaining on March 25, 2018 so that you’ll have a better understanding of the process as you step into the conference. We want you to be prepared.
Participants will access leave from the RCMP. All expenses and travel will be covered by PSAC-USJE in according with the TB Travel Policy. USJE is currently negotiating a process with the RCMP that will facilitate your participation. We will provide you will these details should you be s/elected to participate in the conference.
Participate in the Bargaining Conference
How you can apply:
Please fill out our online registration form to participate.
Before submitting your application information, take a moment to reflect on the following questions:
- Generally speaking, how familiar are you with the collective bargaining process?
- How familiar are you with the role of bargaining team?
- How familiar are you with issues affecting the CM community?
- How familiar are you with advocacy or issues communication?
If we have more interest than the number of reserved spaces, we will conduct a vote within classification group who will elect their representatives based on the short essay provided.
Application deadline
Because the National Bargaining Conference is only a few weeks away, we do need your completed application returned by 11:59 pm, February 18, 2018. If there is a need to run an election for any of the positions, we will do so immediately after the 18th.
CM involvement in the bargaining process
PSAC/USJE will create a CM Bargaining Sub-Committee to participate in the PSAC bargaining process that will commence this summer. The sub-committee will include the following representation:
Programme and Administrative Services (PA) – 3 Civilian Members
Technical Services (TC) – 1 Civilian Members
Operational Services (SV) – 1 Civilian Members
Education and Library Science (EB) – 1 Civilian Members
You will receive more information on the selection of these representatives after the PSAC Bargaining Conference.
How PSAC negotiates
PSAC has rules about how we negotiate on behalf of our members:
- how the member input is gathered,
- how decisions are made about bargaining proposals,
- who does the bargaining.
These rules are set out in Regulation 15 of our Constitution.
If you have any questions about this process or the Bargaining Conference, do not hesitate to contact us:
Tel: 613-560-2606