Update on the Administrative Support Positions Review (ASPR)

While there have been some delays in meeting the previously established timelines, significant progress has been made over the last several months. Consultation with divisional management and USGE representatives has been very positive with helpful feedback. Below is an account of the divisional progress made to date and outlines current project phases, next steps, and revised completion dates.


Region / DivisionCurrent PhaseNext StepCompletion Date
Atlantic RegionDesk auditsWork description approval30-SEP-15
National DivisionIdentify work-streams & develop work descriptionsDesk audits30-SEP-15
D & F DivisionsDevelop work descriptions/desk auditsWork description approval30-SEP-15
C DivisionIdentify work-streams & develop work descriptionsDesk audits31-DEC-15
O DivisionDesk auditsWork description approval31-DEC-15
K DivisionDevelop work descriptions/desk auditsWork description approval31-DEC-15
E & M DivisionsCOMPLETE


Region / DivisionCurrent PhaseNext StepCompletion Date
Atlantic RegionDesk auditsWork description approval30-SEP-15
D DivisionDevelop work descriptions/desk auditsWork description approval30-SEP-15
F DivisionDevelop work descriptions/desk auditsWork description approval30-SEP-15
K DivisionDevelop work descriptions/desk auditsWork description approval31-DEC-15
E Division Identify work-streams & develop work descriptionsDesk audits31-DEC-15
Develop work descriptions/desk auditsWork description approval30-SEP-15

Major Case Management (MCM) positions

From a national perspective, the policy centre at HQ will be reviewing the MCM positions outside of the ASPR process. Additional information will be released as it becomes available. 

If you have questions, please send directly to ASPR@rcmp-grc.gc.ca and answers will be shared on the ASPR website. You are encouraged to visit the site on a regular basis as new information is being added as it becomes available.

ASPR National Working Group
March 25, 2015