USGE Members Elect their Senior Leadership Team for 2017-2020

Day Three’s election of officers brought a different tone to the convention floor – which was distinct from the extensive committee work reviewed by delegates on the previous day. The majority of Day Three was dedicated to choosing USGE’s National Executive including the National President, National Vice President and all 17 Regional Vice Presidents. 

USGE Acclaims its National President, Stan Stapleton, for another Three Year Term

PSAC’s Sharon deSousa graciously volunteered to act as the Chair of Elections. She opened the day’s activities by presenting an overview of the proceedings which kicked off with the election of the National President. Sister deSousa had received two nominations for this position, one for Stan Stapleton and another for Leila White, a CSC delegate from Saskatchewan. 

Following the USGE bylaws, the Chair called three times for any delegates who wished to run from the convention floor. With no one stepping forward from the floor, the two previously nominated individuals were asked to address the convention. During her remarks, Sister White indicated that she was withdrawing her nomination. As a result, Sister deSousa acclaimed Stan Stapleton National President of the USGE. Both Brother Stapleton and Sister White briefly addressed the members, and Sister White thanked Stan Stapleton for the opportunity to get to know him better, saying she had concluded that he was likely the best President that USGE had ever elected. 

Regional Caucuses Elected their Respective Regional Vice President Positions but One

Immediately following the acclamation of National President, delegates left the convention floor to attend regional caucuses with the task of selecting their respective Regional Vice Presidents. Delegates remained in caucus for approximately one hour before emerging with the names of the new Regional Vice Presidents and their 1st and 2nd alternates. 

Only the Manitoba CSC caucus was deadlocked on selecting an RVP. USGE bylaws dictate that if a tie occurs in a regional caucus, the tie will be broken through a vote on the convention floor. Prior to this general vote to determine Manitoba’s CSC RVP, nominees Frank Janz and James Cook took to the convention floor to speak in favour of their nominations. Brother Cook addressed delegates, observers and guests in Cree before speaking to members about the fact that many in his local asked him to put his name forward, and that he did so for his members. Frank Janz then took the podium to encourage delegates to vote for him, citing his years of experience and commitment.

The vote was held and Frank Janz attained the required votes to serve another term as RVP for Manitoba CSC. After the vote for Manitoba’s CSC RVP, all of the recently elected Regional Vice Presidents and alternates were announced. Notably, contender James Cook was elected the first alternate for Manitoba CSC. Please see the list below for all RVPs and alternates below. 

After the announcement of RVPs and their alternates, the election for National Vice President took place. Two nominations were received by the chair, one from Nicole Gibson, RVP for RCMP/Justice/PPSC B.C. and another from incumbent David Neufeld, RVP for Community/PBC West. Gibson and Neufeld addressed delegates prior to the vote. The vote was taken with David Neufeld gaining the majority, and will serve as National Vice President for another term.

Three Honourary USGE Members were Recognized 

A number of honourary members were recognized for their years of service to USGE. Pat Elliot was recognized for her three decades of work with USGE as a member and senior staff member. Former RVP Debbie Kelly was also recognized for her 35 years with PSAC/USGE, while Claude Duchesneau was posthumously presented with an honourary membership by Quebec RVPs Lise Dagenais (RCMP) and Yvon Barriere (CSC). Brother Duchesneau’s wife accepted the hounourary membership on his behalf and briefly addressed members.

More Bylaw Business was Tackled 

The Bylaw Committee resumed its business for the remainder of the afternoon. Delegates discussed and debated a number of resolutions including a proposal to add an additional RVP to the Ontario and NCR region in advance of receiving Civilian Members of the RCMP as new USGE members. The Committee recommended non-concurrence and the motion was carried by delegates keeping the number of RVPs to 17. Defeated resolutions included proposals to reduce AND increase the number of RVPs. 

As time was running late, the National President deferred the remaining committee work to Day 4.

RVPs and alternates:

British Columbia, CSC

Kirsty Havard – Regional Vice President 

Nancy Burton – 1st Alternate

Wanda Pocock – 2nd Alternate

British Columbia & Yukon, RCMP/Justice/PPSC 

Nicole Gibson – Regional Vice President 

Susan Gunn – 1st Alternate

Leann Podolecki – 2nd Alternate

Alberta, CSC 

Zef Ordman – Regional Vice President

Helen Fisher-Treller – 1st Alternate

Arliss Chute-Ibsen – 2nd Alternate

Alberta, NWT & Nunavut, RCMP/Justice/PPSC 

Valda Behrens – Regional Vice President 

Patricia Jessome – 1st Alternate

Samuel Bourget – 2nd Alternate

Saskatchewan, CSC

Barry Stolar – Regional Vice President 

Shannon Blum – 1st Alternate

Leila White – 2nd Alternate

Manitoba, CSC

Frank Janz – Regional Vice President

James Cook – 1st Alternate

Jack Anderson – 2nd Alternate

Saskatchewan, Manitoba, CSC, RCMP, Justice, PPSC

Jackie Oswald – Regional Vice President 

Heather Mckinnon – 1st Alternate

Annette Aquin – 2nd Alternate

Ontario, CSC

Bill Bailey – Regional Vice President 

Richard Mcneill – 1st Alternate

Ashley Sands – 2nd Alternate

Ontario, RCMP

Patrick Goudreault – Regional Vice President

Paul Blais – 1st Alternate

Nick Kutlik – 2nd Alternate

Ontario, Justice, PPSC, CSIS

Bella Skalin – Regional Vice President 

Kathy Samuel – 1st Alternate

John Sarazin – 2nd Alternate

Ottawa & NCR

Jean-Paul Surette – Regional Vice President 

St. Clair Currie – 1st Alternate

Jackie Monaghan – 2nd Alternate

Quebec, CSC 

Yvon Barrière, Regional Vice President 

Karine Kergoat, 1st Alternate

Joanie Bélisle, 2nd Alternate

Quebec, RCMP/Justice

Lise Dagenais – Regional Vice President 

Eric Frigault – 1st Alternate

Eric Côté – 2nd Alternate

Atlantic, CSC 

Jeanette Manuel- Allain – Regional Vice President

Laurie-Ann Wesselby – 1st Alternate

Jody Donovan – 2nd Alternate

Atlantic, RCMP/Justice/PPSC

Lynette Robinson – Regional Vice President 

Donna Hitchman – 1st Alternate

Judy Whelan- Morgan – 2nd Alternate

CSC Community/PBC East

Carol Osborne – Regional Vice President

Conception Almeida – 1st Alternate

Larry Taylor – 2nd Alternate

CSC Community/PBC West

David Neufeld – Regional Vice President 

Jeff Sandelli – 1st Alternate

Tracey Cochrane – 2nd Alternate