National Office
The USJE National Office is located in the heart of Ottawa, close to both our employers’ headquarters and the lawmakers whose actions can impinge on the workplace and community rights of our members.
The National Office, based in Ottawa, is responsible to the National Executive between conventions. National Office staff carry out the day-to-day functions of our union, working with the National President, Regional Vice-Presidents, Locals and individual members.
Some major services provided by the USJE National Office include:
- Direct representation on final level grievances;
- Membership communications
- Consultation with the employer, including participation on National Labour Management Consultation Committees;
- Component collective bargaining committee coordination;
- Advisory services to Locals on such issues as health and safety and human rights;
- Media and public relations;
- Political action, campaigns, lobbying and presentations to Parliament;
- Education;
- Membership organization and accounting