Ottawa, Ontario – Two federal public service unions who represent RCMP employees, including the Union of Safety and Justice Employees and…
Equity Committee member represents USJE at Black History Month celebration
On February 5, 2025, USJE Equity Committee member Joe Brathwaite, who is a member of USJE Local 00079, was among invited guests…
Newsletter – February 27
PSAC Bargaining Conference and more
2025 Federal Election special podcast series – NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh
Given the importance of this election, USJE has extended an invitation to the leaders of all federal parties in the House to discuss some of the issues that are top of mind for USJE’s membership and Canadians more generally.
PSAC-TB National Bargaining Conference concludes on Sunday
The PSAC-TB National Bargaining Conference concluded on Sunday. Prior to closing, the PA members completed their election process and elected 3 “at large” delegates and 5 alternates.
Saturday: voting day at PSAC-TB National Bargaining Conference
Saturday marked the commencement of the election of delegates to the PSAC bargaining teams. The elections for the following positions were held for all bargaining tables TC, EB and SV as the PA members discussed and prioritized bargaining input.
USJE Delegation in campaign mode on second day of the PSAC-TB National Bargaining Conference
In the breakout rooms, delegates took to the microphones to motivate specific bargaining demands. This was an excellent opportunity for USJE delegates to promote USJE’s top 25 bargaining demands, including remote work, AI, leave improvements and union rights.
Opening Day from the PSAC-TB National Bargaining Conference
The USJE delegation is comprised of close to 50 members who will be actively campaigning to elect USJE representatives to the PSAC Treasury Board National Bargaining Team and to advocate for specific bargaining demands that will improve the working conditions and benefits of USJE’s members.
Union Safety Net Episode 13 – 3300 job cuts at Immigration department
Rubina Boucher, National President of the CEIU, talks to the Union Safety Net about the work of her members, workforce adjustments, remote work and service cuts.
RCMP deems USJE Persona Non Grata on the NPHSC
For the last ten years, USJE Regional Vice-Presidents (RVPs) have been appointed as members on the RCMP’s National Policy Health and…