Member Toolbox
As a USJE member, you have two tools at your disposal to better understand your union, our USJE Member Handbook and this Toolbox.
The handbook is meant to be your very first introduction to our union. It covers the basics – what we offer and how you can get involved. Once you’ve reviewed the handbook and want to know more, it’s time for our Toolkit. Alternately, if you have a question that is more in-depth than what the Handbook covers, then the Toolbox is for you!
You can click on the below titles to head to that section.
Which union do I belong to, the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) or the Union of Safety and Justice Employees (USJE)?
What is the USJE National Executive?
What have unions done for us?
What are union dues?
What are union dues used for?
What are Rands?
Where does the word Rand come from?
What are Labour-Management Consultation Committees?
How do I update my contact information with USJE and PSAC so that I receive important updates?
Who do I contact at USJE to find out about financial information such as dues and expense claims?
What is a grievance?
How do I file a grievance?
What are the stages of a grievance procedure?
What are the Access to Information and Privacy Acts?
How do I make a request under the Access to Information and Privacy Acts?
What is the Canadian Human Rights Act?
What is the Duty to Accommodate?
Should you file a Canadian Human Rights Complaint or a Grievance?
What is Harassment?
What are my options if I have been harassed?
What rights do I have under the Canada Labour Code?
What do I do if I have a Health & Safety problem?
What is the Internal Complaint Resolution Process?
What is the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA)?
What is the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board (FPSLREB)?
What types of complaints can I file with regards to staffing?
Who can file a Staffing Complaint?
How can I file a Staffing Complaint?