​We are Stronger Together!

A new initiative — “RESPECT Wednesdays” by USJE Local 00039 (CSC) at Joyceville Institution — encourages members to wear their RESPECT buttons and dress in black on Wednesdays. The action is intended as a weekly show of solidarity for PSAC collective bargaining teams.

Local 00039 secretary Alison Turner says the initiative was proposed by a member of her Local as an action that’s easy to undertake and doesn’t interfere with work schedules. “This is our version of stopping cars on the highway” she says. Alison and other members will be making sure everyone has a RESPECT button by handing them out at the main entrance of their worksite every Wednesday morning.

The Local invites other sites to join in on RESPECT Wednesdays to help build the movement and share in the solidarity.

Does your Local have a summer event or action to share? Send us your news at USJEcommunicationSESJ@psac-afpc.com