Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Update as of March 14, 2020 from RCMP Commissioner, Brenda Lucki

I want to thank all of you for your professionalism, support and patience as we work to ensure the continuity of operations and support for employees during this time. 

I want to assure you that we’ve heard your concerns. I recognize that there are many questions that we don’t have the answers to at this moment, but our information is changing by the minute. We need to ensure that what we share with you is fact-based and from reliable sources. Until we hear otherwise, we will continue to serve Canadians the same way we always do.

Since my last Broadcast, a tremendous amount of work has been undertaken to safeguard your health and well-being and that of our communities; for example:

  • We created a centralized Infoweb page ( with a collection of authoritative material on the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) – both general and RCMP-specific. 
  • We are working to increase the number of network connections available to employees across the country in order to provide significantly more teleworking opportunities.
  • We are setting up divisional emergency operations centres (DEOCs) in some divisions.

In addition, effective immediately, we are implementing the following precautionary measures:

  • Temporary suspension of the routine regular member Periodic Health Assessment (PHA) for four weeks (note: PHAs for high-risk duties and applicants will continue).
  • Suspension of non-essential in-person training – at the discretion of the divisions.
  • Temporary suspension of the Physical Abilities Requirement Evaluation (PARE) and some Operational Skills Maintenance (OSM). This does not apply to Depot training or to mandatory firearms training (pistol and carbine), in order to ensure we maintain a viable public safety response. 
  • Temporary closure of RCMP fitness facilities, including suspension of group fitness activities held within RCMP premises. Employees are encouraged to keep up personal fitness activities at home or outdoors where adequate personal distances can be maintained. Employees should not attend other fitness facilities, where they may have a higher risk of exposure.
  • Suspension of all international business travel (unless it is in the performance of your operational duties) and non-essential domestic business travel.

As an added measure, employees are reminded to wash their hands before entering food service areas.


While I know I can count on everyone to maintain critical police operations, we will do our best to help you all through this challenging time. When it comes to human resources issues, as usual, your main point of contact is your manager. 

The following is guidance to help our workforce maximize productivity individually and collectively:

  • Use mobile devices whenever possible to send and receive emails;
  • Connect to VPN/SRA get what you need from the corporate network and disconnect, which allows for others to do the same;
  • Limit the use of video conferencing on the GC network when audio conferencing will suffice;
  • Localize any files before leaving the office; and
  • Download documents outside normal business hours.


We recognize that municipal and provincial/territorial governments are making decisions that impact your personal lives. Please consult local guidelines regarding self-isolation following travel, closures of schools and daycares, or other public health measures.

EMPLOYEES WHO ARE REQUIRED BY PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICIALS TO SELF-ISOLATE: If in good health and able to work, employees need to discuss with their managers the option to telework. If that is not possible, “other leave with pay (Leave Code 699)” is to be used by public service employees, regular members, civilian members and special constables. This leave may be granted; however, you are required to enter the reason for this leave in the leave request page under “Employee’s Comment” located at the bottom of the page (for example, “Isolation in relation to the coronavirus situation” could be used.

EMPLOYEES WHOSE CHILDREN CANNOT ATTEND SCHOOL OR DAYCARE DUE TO A CLOSURE OR BECAUSE OF ATTENDANCE RESTRICTIONS IN PLACE IN RELATION TO THE CORONAVIRUS SITUATION: Employees will attempt to make alternative care arrangements. If that is not possible, they should discuss with their managers the option to telework. If that is not possible, they may be granted other leave with pay (699 code).

The above provisions for disruption of school and daycare operations related to the coronavirus will remain available to employees and managers for the duration of the disruption in the respective jurisdictions, but will be reassessed on April 10, 2020. 

The Prime Minister advised on Friday, March 13, 2020, to avoid international travel. In light of this advice, employees should declare their intent to travel to their manager and must take into consideration public health travel advisories as per the active travel health notices.

Until further notice, no new leave requests will be approved. Also, we will be examining leave restrictions as of April 1, and will provide further guidance when available.

We believe the above guidance takes into consideration the collective agreements, continuity of service to Canadians as well as reflecting the imperative we all have to follow public health advice as Canada continues its ongoing efforts to fight the pandemic. As the situation evolves, I would like to underscore that changes in public health advice could lead to different approaches.


You have a duty to stay at home in self-isolation as long as directed by your doctor or as advised by the Public Health Authority if:

  • You have symptoms of COVID-19 (fever and/or cough or difficulty breathing), or
  • You are deemed a high-risk contact due to close prolonged contact with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19 and have received or are awaiting recommendations from a Public Health Authority.

You must also report your suspected illness or if you have been deemed a close contact, to your manager, who will inform Occupational Health Services to ensure that it is reported and tracked.

For confirmed cases of COVID-19 in an occupational setting (i.e., the ill individual came into the workplace, regardless if it was contracted through the community or from an occupational exposure), the manager/supervisor must record the incident using the Hazardous Occurrence Investigation Report (Lab1070).


We need to take a consistent approach when dealing with suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the workplace. You should self-isolate when you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or when local public health authorities have identified you as a close contact of someone diagnosed with COVID 19. 

Self-isolate means:

  • Limit contact with others.
  • Do not leave home unless absolutely necessary, such as to seek medical care.
  • Do not go to school, work or other public areas and do not use public transportation (e.g., buses, taxis).
  • Arrange to have groceries and supplies dropped off at your door to minimize contact.
  • If possible, stay in a separate room and use a separate bathroom from others in your home.
  • If you have to be in contact with others, keep at least two metres between yourself and the other person. Keep interactions brief and wear a mask.
  • Avoid contact with older adults and with individuals with chronic conditions or compromised immune systems.  
  • Avoid contact with pets if you live with other people who may also touch the pet.

Additional information can be found in the Government of Canada’s factsheet “How to isolate at home when you have COVID-19” ( 


If you have not been diagnosed with COVID-19 or identified as a close contact of someone with COVID 19, you should self-monitor for symptoms of respiratory illness. Self-monitoring means monitoring yourself for fever, cough and difficulty breathing and avoiding places where you cannot easily separate yourself from others if you become ill. If you develop symptoms of respiratory illness, stay home, contact your local public health authority, and follow their instructions. 


You may call 1-866-RCMP-GRC (1-866-726-7472) for up-to-date information on RCMP work locations, functions and activities following a disruption or emergency in your region.

If you need support, please know that Employee Assistance Services ( are available 24/7 at 1-800-268-7708. There are also other services and supports available through Divisional Health Services, as well as our Peer to Peer programs ( 

Let’s all do our part to make sure we’re prepared and stay healthy.

Brenda Lucki