The end of January will prove to be an important time for our members working in the field of offender education. An evaluation team has been tasked with the assessment of CSC’s education programs in advancing offender academic development and achieving improved correctional outcomes. The focus is on the continued relevance of education programs and their effectiveness and efficiency.
This evaluation team will be consulting with teachers but also with all staff involved in the education of offenders, by means of a questionnaire/survey. Employees receiving the questionnaire will have four weeks to complete and return the completed form. The evaluation team will also be visiting sites in each region.
USGE is strongly encouraging and recommending that our members participate in this project and complete the questionnaire. Through this questionnaire and its resulting data, CSC expects to have the information needed to evaluate the methods of delivery of education programs. This is an opportunity for our members to have a strong say in the work they perform and help inform decision-makers at the highest levels of the organization regarding the delivery of education to offenders.
The final report is expected to be ready in the summer of 2014 and the findings will be presented to CSC’s Evaluation Committee.