Final Day in Saskatchewan building USJE’s RCMP Campaign

On March 15, National President David Neufeld, RVP Heather McKinnon and members of the USJE Communications Team concluded their Saskatchewan RCMP visits by visiting the Moose Jaw and Craik Detachments where they toured the facilities and interviewed the DSAs as part of USJE’s RCMP Campaign. The team also had the pleasure of meeting Wanda Jones who is a DSA with 47 years of experience!

Over the week, the USJE team met with over 100 members employed by the RCMP in Saskatchewan at three F Division sites, Depot, and five detachments. The team recorded over 20 testimonials from members to be included in the USJE RCMP campaign.

USJE would like to thank all local executive members who facilitated the site visits and scheduled interviews in advance. Members who took part in these interviews are playing a crucial role in developing USJE’s RCMP campaign which will be soft-launched in June at the National Local Presidents Meeting. We also must recognize the collaboration from the RCMP’s Labour Relations Team: Shelley Vendramin and Heidi Hiebert.

Approved by the RCMP’s National Labour Relations team, the RCMP campaign aims to bring awareness about the unique roles and work done by our members. RCMP public servants and CMs can participate by reaching out to the USJE Communications team at

Upcoming schedule:

  • Winnipeg, April 23-25
  • Calgary, Red Deer and Edmonton Alberta, May 7-9
  • British Columbia, July 22-27
  • Additional locations to be confirmed