It’s your chance to get creative! Create a slogan for Convention 2020!

A little over a year is left before USJE’s 18th National Triennial Convention (St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador July 7 – 9, 2020), and we are now inviting members to submit their ideas for our convention slogan.

As is our custom, USJE will be creating a special Convention logo and theme. This logo and slogan will be used on letterhead and various documents in the months leading to convention. As an example, past slogans were “Today’s work is Tomorrow’s Legacy” (Vancouver, 2011), “Unions – Now more than ever” (Montréal, 2014) and “Our Union, Our Voices, Our Power” (Toronto, 2017).

A prize will be awarded to the contest winner and the winning slogan will be integrated into our 2020 Convention logo.

Send your suggestions to the National Office by email at All suggestions must be received before 4pm (Ottawa time) Friday, July 19, 2019. While we thank everyone for their entries, only the winner will be contacted.

We are looking forward to seeing your submissions!