National Convention details

In accordance with By-Law 10, Section 3 of the Union of Safety and Justice Employees (USJE) By-Laws, the National Execu­tive has decided to hold the Nineteenth Triennial National Convention, at the Westin Resort and Spa Whistler, 4090 Whistler Way, Whistler, British Columbia from July 18 to 21, 2023.


Representation at the convention will be in accordance with By-Law 10, Sections 5 and 7, which reads as follows:

Section 5 – Delegate Entitlement

  1. “At least four months prior to the opening date of Convention, each Local shall elect from amongst its members at a general meeting one accredited delegate for each 150 members or portion thereof.
  1. When several sections are to be merged under one Local, this Local shall maintain the pro rata of each Section to determine the number of delegates to Conven­tion.
  1. Locals comprised of two or more Sections may decide to elect delegates based on the above formula for each Section.
  1. All members of the National Executive shall be accredited delegates of Convention.”

Section 7 – Eligibility

“Locals shall ensure that no delegates shall be nominated who have not attended at least 75% of the Local’s general meetings during the previous 12 month period unless a satisfactory reason is given for such absence.”


By-Law 10, Section 6, reads as follows:

“Each Local shall elect alternate delegates who shall replace any accredited delegates who cannot attend Convention.”


Transportation, hotel accommodation, loss of wages and other authorized expenses for all accredited delegates shall be borne by the National Office of the Union of Safety and Justice Employees.


By-Law 10, Section 10 reads as follows:

“Locals shall have the right to send observers to Convention at Local expense.  Observers shall not have the right to vote nor to participate in debate,”

Observer expenses to attend the Convention is the responsibility of their local.    

There will be a registration fee of $150.00 for each observer.


By-Law 10, Section 8 reads as follows:

“Immediately following election of Local delegates to Convention, the Local shall submit to the National President the name of the Local’s accredited delegates”.

Please submit the names of the accredited delegate(s), alternate(s) and observer(s) to the National Office, as well as the date of the meeting when the elections took place by email at


You will find the link for online registration for delegate(s), alternate delegate(s) and observer(s) at this link.

Once you complete your online registration, you will receive a confirmation receipt. This signifies that USJE National Office has received your registration. Once your registration has been verified, you will receive a confirmation of your capacity to participate in Convention.

All registration submissions shall be submitted online no later than Friday, February 17th, 2023.


If you are taking a guest with you (Spouse, children, etc.), your guest will be able to register online to attend the Convention banquet and several fun local tours that will be offered during Convention. Online registration for guests will be available as of March 2023. You will be notified via email when guest registration is open.


Arrangements have been made with the Westin Resort & Spa Whistler to reserve a block of rooms to accommodate delegates and observers.  All hotel reservations are made by the National Office.  Each delegate will be provided with single room accommodation at USJE’s expense.  It should be noted, however, that any extra cost in the hotel accommodation should be paid by the delegate.


Information on travel arrangements will be provided at a later date.  Members are asked not to make their own arrangements for travel or accommodations. Delegates are advised that the tentative scheduled transfer to Whistler will be Sunday, July 16th and returning to Vancouver the afternoon of Friday, July 21st, 2023. Transfers not provided by USJE outside of these dates will be the responsibility of the delegate.  Where feasible delegates will return home Friday, July 21st or will be staying at a Vancouver airport hotel booked and paid by USJE. Transfer to the airport on Saturday will be provided by the hotel shuttle service.  Should delegates choose a different method of transfer, USJE will not be responsible for the associated costs.

Regulation 8 Section 8 reads as follows:

“Methods of transportation are determined by taking into account economy and speed.  If a delegate elects to use his/her vehicle instead of authorized air travel, the kilometric amount should not exceed the total cost of airfare and landing taxes of air transportation as determined by the Director of Finance and Administration. Equivalent airfare will apply in some circumstances. The amount of compensation, accommodation and per diem shall be no more than would have been claimed if air transportation had been used.  Parking charges will be reimbursed.”   Any additional expenses must be approved by the Director of Finance and Administration in advance. 


All resolutions to be submitted to the National Convention must be completed online at:
no later than Friday, February 17th, 2023.  Resolutions received after the above-mentioned date will be considered as late resolutions and will not be included in the resolution book.

All resolutions are reviewed by the National President to determine if they are in order and which Committee will have responsibility to make a recommendation to Convention.

It is important to note that if your Local submits a resolution prior to December 1st, 2022, you may request that the National President provide feedback on the clarity of the resolution’s intent. This feedback allows you the opportunity to make changes and re-submit the resolution before the overall deadline of February 17th, 2023.