On Tuesday, August 16th, National President, David Neufeld, alongside USJE Regional Vice-President for British Columbia & Yukon (RCMP-Justice-PPSC), Nicole Gibson and Local President, Zoe Johnston, visited Green Timbers RCMP E HQ in Surrey, British Columbia.
National President David Neufeld, RVP Nicole Gibson and Local President 20011 Zoe Johnston had the opportunity to meet with C/Supt Mark LePage, HRO (Human Resources Officer E and M Divisions); A/Comm Eric Stubbs, A/CO (Acting Commanding Officer E Division); and Lucky Bal, PSLR Manager (Regional Manager and Public Service Labour Relations).
USJE representatives addressed three main issues:
- The New Normal and the importance of creating a hybrid work environment that is both flexible and creative.
- The release of the DSA report and the 12 recommendations it contains.
- The importance of trying to resolve workplace issues at the lowest level and USJE’s commitment to the same. Improving management/union relationships and creating a culture that treats all categories of employees with respect and equal value in keeping Canadians safe.
In addition, USJE representatives met with the new Commanding Officer for Nunavut, Andrew Blackadar. CO Blackadar described the specific challenges of serving in the North and stated his commitment to creating an environment with positive management/union relationships and the ability to work together to solve issues.
USJE representatives also met with Inspector Raina Siou, OIC Community Policing Services. Inspector Siou shared how her unit worked hard over the past year to improve working conditions in a collaborative manner and to create a heathy and safe environment for our members. When interviewed, USJE members from this unit confirmed that many positive changes have been made within their workplace.
This tour of Green Timbers provided the opportunity for the USJE representatives to share the important work USJE has been doing regarding the “new normal” and encouraged members to discuss their personal requests for telework with their supervisors. Chief Superintendent, Mark LePage, and Regional Manager of PSLR, Lucky Bal, both confirmed that the messaging from E Division to front line supervisors is to encourage/support a hybrid work environment where it is possible. They further acknowledged the importance of supporting the mental health of our members and to be the “employer of choice”.
USJE will continue to advocate for hybrid work environments for its members in the RCMP.