Day 8 of National Strike

Dear USJE members:
I want to thank all of USJE’s locals for their many efforts to support strike lines across this country. Your ongoing enthusiasm and commitment to responding to members’ inquiries and questions about the strike is also deeply appreciated.
I would like to inform you that USJE’s National Executive had a special meeting last evening and voted to approve a top-up pay that will be paid directly to USJE members who are on the strike line and are eligible for strike pay from the PSAC. These monies will be taken from USJE’s national reserves.
Effective today, April 26, USJE National Office will provide a $50 top up to the PSAC’s daily strike pay for those who are eligible for the strike pay. As stated, the monies will come out of the national reserves for a total allocation of $2,000,000.
We know that for many of USJE’s members, a national strike is disruptive and financially stressful. USJE takes seriously the hardship being experienced by our members and wants to do everything we can to assist at this time. Obviously, we are extremely hopeful that the federal government will demonstrate a willingness to bargain in good faith within the week and offer an agreement that will respect our members.
USJE and all of PSAC members have made it clear that fair compensation that keeps up with the cost of inflation is a top priority. So many federal public service employees went above and beyond in the pandemic and deserve to be recognized for their ongoing commitment to serving Canadians.
Even with the PSAC being at the bargaining table for the past two weeks, there is still work to be done. Strike action is truly our last but only recourse at this stage in order to reach a fair contract. Our members deserve a collective agreement that will not put them further behind and one that demonstrates respect and value for their work.
USJE is here with you every step of the way!
In Solidarity,
David Neufeld
National President

Congratulations to today’s winners of our Dispatches from the Front Line contest, Michael Reeves in Surrey and Roger Duffy in Newfoundland!

Send us your pictures or zingers heard on the picket lines for a daily shot at a $50 e-gift card of your choice. Make sure to include your local number and/or picket location. Solidarity!

Find your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provider
An EAP provides free short-term counselling for personal or work-related problems as well as crisis counselling.
More than 90 federal departments and agencies receive their EAP services through Health Canada while other organizations provide this service internally or purchase it from the private sector.
If you are unsure who the service provider is for your organization, please consult the departmental listing.
PSAC Regional Executive Vice-President Yvon Barrière justifies increased pressure tactics
CPAC April 24 (French only)

From the Picket Line: What’s at Stake in the Big Strike
The Tyee – April 25

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Tag USJE in your social media posts, or email with photos/videos.

Find a Picket Line
Join us on the picket line to show the government it’s time for them to be there for Canada’s workers. It’s time to take action because our bills can’t wait, and neither can we. Find a picket line: