POCD training should be in-person and offered by external experts

Thanks to the over 350 Parole Officers, MAIs and Parole Officer Supervisors who completed USJE’s May 2023 survey, USJE has been able to gather some striking data regarding POCD training and workload. We are presently sharing this data with CSC and advocating for change.

USJE recognizes that a number of these results also apply to other USJE members – and we look forward to gaining insight from these members into the training they require as well.

Through our survey, USJE PO, MAI and PO Supervisor members were clear that the following create effective POCD trainings:

  1. In person (off-site) format
  2. Topics as identified by POs at local worksites
  3. External experts as trainers
  4. POs, MAIs and PO Supervisors from local institutions, community and CCCs as participants, and
  5. MAIs and PO Supervisors require their own regional training, specific to their needs.

Members indicated that the training they most need, offered by external experts, is in regards to:

  • Law enforcement – latest trends in organized crime, domestic violence, terrorism, and cyber crimes
  • Offender contexts – mental health, addiction, trauma and gender dysphoria
  • Effective interviewing techniques – micro-expressions and body language
  • Effective relationship building with offenders – trauma-informed techniques and
  • motivational counselling
  • Community supports for offenders – housing, employment, additional supports
  • Supports for POs, MAIs and PO Supervisors – vicarious trauma, stress management, and workplace harassment support
  • General job supports – safety around fentanyl, LTSOs, L’article 161, cell phone searches.

USJE is reminding CSC that a key finding of USJE’s 2022 report “The Mental Health and Well-being of Canadian Federal Parole Officers” was that improved Parole Officer training would “help address Parole Officers’ concerns that CSC does not adequately support their work”.

USJE gained other very valuable data from this survey – which we will be reporting on soon. Stay tuned!