Update on the Administrative Support Positions Review (ASPR)

The objective of the Administrative Support Positions Review (ASPR) is to review and update the roles and responsibilities of administrative support positions across the Force within Federal Policing and Contract and Aboriginal Policing. Since the last communiqué, progress has been made across the Divisions and the first round of deadlines has been met. All decisions for Divisions with a 30-SEP-15 deadline have been rendered, and management and employees have been notified. Ccommunications with divisional and national USGE representatives continues to take place to ensure an ASPR completion deadline of December 2015 for all Divisions.


Region / DivisionCurrent PhaseNext StepCompletion Date
J, H, L DivisionsDevelop work descriptions & desk auditsWork description approval31-DEC-15
National DivisionCOMPLETE
D & F DivisionsCOMPLETE
C DivisionIdentify work-streams & develop work descriptionsDesk audits31-DEC-15
O DivisionWork description approvalClassification Committee31-DEC-15
K DivisionDevelop work descriptions & desk auditsWork description approval31-DEC-15
E & M DivisionsCOMPLETE


Region / DivisionCurrent PhaseNext StepCompletion Date
J, H, L DivisionsDevelop work descriptions & desk auditsWork description approval31-DEC-15
K DivisionDevelop work descriptions & desk auditsWork description approval31-DEC-15
E DivisionDesk auditsWork description approval31-DEC-15
MCM positions (nationally)Desk auditsWork description approval31-DEC-15

Major Case Management (MCM) positions

MCM positions across the divisions are also being reviewed by the Major Case Management Program Centre at NHQ.  A draft national generic work description has been developed and shared with USGE. Feedback from USGE has been received and will be taken into consideration. For additional information, please contact Sgt. Greg Fedor, NCO I/C, Electronic Major Case Management Program Centre, NHQ.

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation. If you have questions, please send directly to ASPR@rcmp-grc.gc.ca and answers will be shared on the ASPR website. You are encouraged to visit the site on a regular basis as new information is being added as it becomes available.

Thank you. 

ASPR National Working Group