Your union at work for your health and safety

Brothers Mike Arseneault, RVP Atlantic and Claude Duchesneau, RVP Quebec, were instrumental in persuading CSC to recognize that employees and inmates working in food services areas need to wear appropriate footwear. Brothers Arsenault and Duchesneau are USGE’s representatives on CSC’s National Policy Health and Safety Committee (NPHSC). 

In March 2013, during a meeting of the NPHSC, it was decided that protective footwear for food services staff should be put in place as an action item for the A/Director General, Technical Services and Facilities. A working group was created to develop a national generic Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) for the Kitchen Helper and Food Services Officer positions. The group presented its findings to the NHSPC and performed an additional Footwear Hazard Assessment. This exercise formalized the need for safety first, for our members and for anyone else tasked with working in the institutional kitchens.

Through your representatives’ hard work on this committee, applicable internal policies will now be amended to reflect this need.

USGE – Not only working for you, but for all employees of CSC!