RVP McKinnon Attends AGMs in Brandon and Dauphin

RVP Heather McKinnon attended Brandon RCMP Local and Dauphin RCMP Section’s Annual General Meeting September 10th at the Victoria Inn in Brandon in Manitoba. The meeting was chaired by Section President Connie Anderson and co-chaired by Local President Annette Aquin.

RVP McKinnon provided information on a whole list of topics and current USJE initiatives. Those included the tally of all direct effects of federal budget cuts on USJE members and their workplaces; USJE’s 2nd Equity Conference titled “Taking Action for Equity” and how members could apply to participate; the bargaining process, bargaining proposals and the related deadlines; an update on USJE’s Presumptive Injury Campaign, and private members bill C-357 was provided.  

RVP McKinnon also had the chance to provide an overview of the early stages of USJE’s RCMP Campaign. This extensive national campaign is a promotional effort to highlight the wide variety of jobs within the RCMP and the crucial work our members do to help keep Canadians safe. USJE’s campaign will serve to promote the RCMP’s solid track record as a community police force ahead of the municipal policing contract renewals in the next few years.

The local executive spoke about USJE’s podcast “The Union Safety Net” and expressed their appreciation of the communications team and the exciting products to roll out for members. Further clarifications were provided on current topics such as the telework mandate and the protest action during the National Presidents Meeting in Ottawa in June last. Union training was highlighted, as well as where to find it. Some members expressed concerns regarding AI and its potential effects on the workplace.

The group of 13 had a wholesome discussion about mental health, and the different stressors experienced by DSAs.

Following the meeting, attendees enjoyed lunch and door prizes were awarded.