Bargaining Update: Program and Administrative Services group table specific proposals

The Public Service Alliance of Canada’s Program and Administrative Services (PA) group includes employees responsible for program administration, information services, communications, secretarial services, office equipment, administrative services, welfare programs, clerical functions and data processing.

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PA bargaining proposals at-a-glance

Pay and benefits

Our PA team is putting forward a host of proposals in terms of salary-related benefits. These include a proposal for overtime to be compensated at double time and on the basis of the employee’s preference between paid in cash or banked as leave with pay. Also, our team is proposing an increase in paid meal when working overtime. Let’s note that the rates of pay proposals will be submitted later in the process.

Family and maternity responsibilities

Our PA team is requesting a revision of the definition of family to include any relative or person who stands in the place of a relative for whom the employee has a duty of care. To better reflect this reality, our team is also asking for the total of entitled family-related leave with pay to be doubled from 37.5 hours to 75 hours in a fiscal year. Also, a proposal that maternity-related reassignment or leave include the nursing period has been put on the table.

Work-life balance

In terms of hours of work, the reality of shift work has a great impact on employees and their family. Therefore, we are asking that the Employer cannot change any day workers into shift workers and vice-versa. Also, the Employer shall not schedule rotating shifts except with the express mutual consent of the union. As for telework, our proposal consists of preventing the Employer from unreasonably denying employees’ requests.

Language allowance

For the sake of equity, we believe the Employer shall pay employees who are required to work in an indigenous language in the form of a language bonus.

PDF iconpsac_pa_bargaining_demands_may_29th_2018_en.pdf
PDF iconpa_-_employer_proposals_eng_may_28_2018.pdf