Calling all USGE Locals: Share information, collect for the foodbank, and win a BBQ for your Local!

On Tuesday Oct 31, USGE is hosting a nation-wide event to share information with our members and to collect food for local food banks across the country. 

We’ll be sharing information on 

  • Phoenix, 
  • pensions, 
  • harassment, 
  • bullying in the workplace, 
  • Parole Officer duties, and 
  • workloads for administrative staff, among other things.

USGE is currently creating a leaflet template which Locals will be able to be modify, print and distribute. We are also creating a poster for Locals to advertise the event. 

All participating Locals will have a chance of winning a BBQ event with National President Stan Stapleton in attendance. USGE will provide everything required for the BBQ and we’ll leave the BBQ behind for the Local to use or to raffle off. 

To have your Local entered into the BBQ draw, please send your:

  • Local #:
  • # of event Participants:
  • Pictures of the event:
  • How much food was collected:

Questions? Contact USGE’s Mobilization committee co-chair, Frank Janz –

Mark your calendars for Tuesday October 31!