Day three of the USGE 2017 convention concluded with evening festivities including a terrific performance of Ghanaian dancing and drumming and a rousing and interactive performance from the Samba Squad.
Day four began with a talk from National Office staff member, Diane Leduc who provided an informative and passionate presentation about her struggles with Lyme disease. Sister Leduc has been on long-term disability for most of 2017 while she deals with the significant symptoms of this debilitating illness.
After Diane’s presentation, the General Resolutions Committee returned to the dais to present a final series of resolutions. The Committee recommended non-concurrence for all of Day Four’s resolutions, which touched on topics such as increasing training for members in order to provide existing and new members with an overview of the labour movement and the historic gains made by USGE and PSAC and to promote mobilization by the membership and the dissolution of the Health and Safety Committee. Delegates agreed with the Committee’s recommendations for all resolutions.
The Finance Committee returned and tabled one resolution that proposed an increase of RVPs salary by 5%. The Committee’s recommendation of non-concurrence was upheld after numerous RVPs spoke from the floor saying that they would never be able to accept a 5% pay raise when members continue to struggle to gain even a 1.25% pay raise.
At the end of committee business, Sister Jan Hauck introduced a fun, recent, and volunteer-produced USGE song – entitled: “We Do that”. After which, a motion was tabled to adjourn USGE’s 2017 Convention. The motion passed thereby bringing USGE’s 17th National Triennial Convention to a close.
UPDATE for Convention Delegates & Observers: Good news! To compensate participants for the cruise-line dinner glitch at Convention, Mariposa Cruise Lines has donated $1,250 to the education fund for Sister Tanisha Pascal-Nelson’s children.