On May 9, National President David Neufeld, RVP Valda Behrens and members of the USJE Communications team had the privilege of wrapping up their Alberta RCMP tour with visits to Maskwacis RCMP detachment and K Division Headquarters in Edmonton.
To start the day, the USJE delegation traveled to the Maskwacis detachment and were graciously welcomed by Staff Sergeant Richard McKay and Detachment Services Supervisor and USJE member Kelly Fjordbotten. The team thanks both Staff Sergeant McKay and Fjordbotten for their insightful and informative tour of the detachment. A highlight for the USJE team was seeing the Elders room which has become a gathering place for community members and a calming space within a busy detachment. The room contains comfortable seating and is decorated with beautiful indigenous art and pillows including art contributed by Samson community members. The space also hosts the smudging ceremonies held each week in the detachment.

The Maskwacis detachment is a diverse community of both regular members and public service employees, with a wide range of backgrounds and cultures represented. The USJE team heard firsthand from USJE members both the challenges and rewards of supporting the regular members in their policing work in Maskwacis. The satisfaction of making a difference in the community through their roles shone through when talking with USJE members.
The second and final stop of the tour was at K Division Headquarters in Edmonton. The team was able to meet with several USJE members and hear their experiences working for the RCMP, better understanding the unique roles and responsibilities our members hold.
Over the week, the team talked with over 25 USJE members and recorded almost as many testimonials for the national RCMP campaign. In each location, the team was inspired by every member who generously shared their time, stories, and perspectives. USJE thanks the RCMP Labour Relations Team, specifically Manager Naomi Harasym, for collaborating with USJE on the Alberta site visit tour. USJE also thanks all local executive members who facilitated site visits and interviews.
The team looks forward to sharing the essential work done by our passionate members through the national RCMP campaign, soft launching at the National Local Presidents Meeting in June. RCMP public servants and CMs can still participate in the campaign by reaching out to the USJE Communications team at USJEcommunicationSESJ@psac-afpc.com.
Upcoming schedule:
British Columbia, July 22-27
Additional locations to be confirmed