Government recognizes previous military service of public servants

The Federal Government is moving forward with plans to recognize previous military service of former members of the Canadian Forces that join the public service.

Tony Clement, President of the Treasury Board, recently announced that:

“The Government is proud of our men and women in uniform who put their lives on the line for their country. Once they leave the Canadian Forces, it is only fair that we take their military service into account should they continue to serve their country in the Public Service of Canada.”

This means that administrative steps are being taken to recognize prior service for the purpose of calculating vacation entitlement in the public service.

From theĀ Treasury Board website,

As of April 1, 2012, and going forward, any former service in the Canadian Forces for a continuous period of six months or more, either as a member of the Regular Force or of the Reserve Force while on Class B or C service, will be included in the calculation of vacation leave credits. Eligible former military personnel who have joined organizations for which the Treasury Board is the employer will be asked to identify themselves to their compensation services and provide a record of service with the Canadian Forces in order to benefit from this measure.

Records of service include:

  • Service as a contributor under the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act;
  • Service that has been elected as pensionable service under sub-subparagraph 6.(1)(b)(iii)(C) of the Public Service Superannuation Act;or
  • Service as a Reserve Force Class B or C for which (a) and (b) do not apply, that can be validated to the satisfaction of the Employer.

It is important to note that eligible employees will be credited with the appropriate vacation leave credits as per the provisions of their relevant collective agreement.

USGE encourages its members to contact their compensation specialists for any further information.