Regional Vice-President Heather McKinnon was in Saskatchewan again last month for a packed two-day program that aimed to oversee union business, provide updates on recent activities and promote current campaigns.
On January 24, McKinnon attended the Depot RCMP Local 40002 – AGM in Regina where 15 members were in attendance with one person joining by phone. The AGM was the occasion to discuss and vote on resolutions to convention with a review of the resolution process provided for members. The visit was the chance for McKinnon to conduct two elections: one for delegate and alternate for the June Regina PSAC Regional Convention, and the other for delegates, alternates and observers to USJE’s 19th National Triennial Convention in Whistler this July.
Members were again strongly encouraged to take strike training. RVP McKinnon and local President Satinder Bains spoke on bargaining and informed members of upcoming town hall meetings.

The following day, at Justice PPSC Local 40161 in Saskatoon, 13 people were in attendance in person, with one person attending virtually. McKinnon ran elections for a new Local Vice-President, a position that Chelsea Herman won by acclamation.
This visit allowed for discussions regarding USJE’s ongoing Presumptive Injury Campaign. McKinnon informed participants that legal assistants in Justice and Public Prosecution Service of Canada would be one of the next groups of focus in future interviews. The Telework campaign and the not-yet delivered wording from PSAC concerning it were mentioned. Furthermore, McKinnon spoke briefly of the BOS Program. Members were reminded to pay close attention to the latest USJE Newsletter as it contained the link to the government funded resource-rich website.
Jacqueline Maurice from the PSAC Regional Office spoke on bargaining and strike preparation and the PSAC education schedule.
Again elections were held with delegates and alternates for both the PSAC Regional Conference and USJE’s Triennial Convention being voted on.
VPR McKinnon’s presence at both AGMs was a further chance to increase awareness of USJE’s first Equity Conference set to take place in Winnipeg the following week among the local membership.