The USGE National Office recently received a draft communiqué from the RCMP on the Administrative Support Positions Review (ASPR) that is currently on-going.
One of our main concerns is with the manner in which the ASPR process is being handled, or rather, not handled. USGE national officers have not been involved with this process as with the previous DA review. USGE members working in CCAPS and Federal Policing have been waiting for quite some time now for the opportunity for input into the ASPR review. The RCMP is asking for USGE to agree to additional time delays despite Treasury Board’s strict application of their reclassification policy. We cannot expect our members to appreciate our agreeing to these extensions when the RCMP has not shown us the courtesy of consulting with us on this very important process.
Members are reminded that, while this Committee work has been placed on hold, you are still entitled to a complete and current copy of your work description. Should you choose to exercise your right to grieve in order to make that happen, you can count on the support of your National Office.