Update to the Administrative Support Positions Review — RCMP

On August 24, 2011, a joint communiqué was published and can be found below.

As you are aware, the Administrative Support Positions Review (ASPR) – Phase II was initiated in May 2011 following the completion of the Phase 1 Detachment Clerk Review. Phase I involved the review, update and the creation of generic work descriptions for the public service detachment clerk positions. This is to provide you with an update on the ASPR project.

Much work has been started by the National Working Group (NWG) to begin the immense task of looking at the affected positions. As previously communicated, the review is focused on those administrative support functions providing direct support to operational policing programs that fall under the Contract Policing and Federal Policing mandates. The review will not include administrative support functions in National and Regional Headquarters.

Reviewing in excess of 800 positions covering a wide range of work and creating generic work descriptions will require time. However, considering many of the affected positions have been reviewed fairly recently, we anticipate this to be less of a challenge than the Phase I review. Since the last communiqué, the following has been accomplished:

  • The engagement of an Organization and Classification Subject Matter Expert (Consultant) in support of this project;
  • The preparation of a HRMIS spreadsheet on position and population demographics;
  • The finalization of the Terms of Reference for the NWG and Regional Working Group (RWG);
  • The gathering of sample work descriptions for affected positions from the regions;
  • The development of proposed draft Generic Work Streams; and
  • The ongoing review of the proposed streams.

Looking forward, once the draft streams have been reviewed, the NWG will prepare National Generic Work Descriptions (NGWD), coordinate NGWD validation exercises through the RWGs with a representative sample of incumbents, obtain management approval of the final NGWDs, and manage an interdepartmental classification committee to evaluate the final approved NGWDs before implementation.

The NWG is committed to keeping all affected employees informed of its progress. Any new information will continue to be posted on the RCMP NDCR website. In addition, should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to send an e-mail to ASPR@rcmp-grc.gc.ca.