Updates on Parole Officer Continuous Development (POCD) Training

POs to receive dedicated time to complete their 2017 POCD Training

In recent days, a number of Parole Officers (POs) have been voicing their significant concerns regarding CSC’s directive to complete all of their POCD before March 31st, 2017. In the case of POs who work with female offenders this amounts to 37.5 hours of training (22.5 of it online) and in the case of POs who work with male offenders this amounts to 39.5 hours of training (35.75 of which is online). Being that POs have extremely busy caseloads, many have wondered how they are supposed to undertake this training – much of it online – while they are also undertaking their jobs. 

USGE’s National Vice President, David Neufeld, spoke with CSC management today and USGE has been assured that members will be able to take dedicated time to complete any remaining training. Members are encouraged to alert management to the number of hours they require for the training and then propose certain days during which they would like to complete it. The purpose of Parole Officers communicating this information with their supervisor is to create a period of uninterrupted time in which to complete the training. Management may be able to provide a separate workspace for members to complete the online training or members may complete this training at their desks. Please contact your USGE Local Steward or President if you have any difficulty assuring the required time to complete your POCD. 

In terms of the prerequisite to complete certain online training prior to the inclass session (for those staff who work with male offenders), it has been confirmed that the ninth module (Diversity and Cultural Competency Training) is the only one that must be completed prior to attending the inclass training session. The projected time to complete this module is 5 hours. All other online training can be completed before March 31st, 2017.

Working Group to begin proposing improvements to POCD in February 2017

On a related note, on December 1st, 2016, USGE National President, Stan Stapleton, met with CSC Commissioner Don Head to relay USGE members’ concerns with CSC’s heavy reliance on online training for Parole Officers. While USGE recognizes that some online training is important for a variety of reasons, USGE believes that significant in-person training – including training by more field experts – will yield the best results in supporting our members to meet the rigours of their positions as effectively as possible. A USGE/CSC Management working group has been struck and will begin work in early February to create more meaningful and effective training for POs in 2017-2018 and onwards.