This document has been created to answer questions about USGE’s National Triennial Convention in Toronto from July 11th to 14th, 2017. This document covers:
- Convention
- Committees
- Resolutions
Why USGE holds a National Triennial Convention?
USGE’s National Triennial Convention acts as the supreme governing body of USGE. It deals with resolutions and matters brought before it and establishes the general policies of the organization. During Convention, Delegates vote on Resolutions and elect all Regional Vice-Presidents, and USGE Delegates to PSAC Convention. The National President and National Vice-President are also determined during Convention.
Where will the 2017 USGE National Triennial Convention be held?
It will be held at the Hilton Toronto, 145 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M5H 2L2.
When will it be held?
July 11 to 14, 2017
How to become a Delegate, Alternate, or Observer?
Representation at the convention is in accordance with By-Law 10, Sections 5, 6 and 7;
Locals shall elect from amongst its members at a general meeting one accredited delegate for each 150 members or portion thereof.
When several sections are to be merged under one Local, this Local shall maintain the pro rata of each Section to determine the number of delegates to Convention.
Locals comprised of two or more Sections may decide to elect delegates based on the above formula for each Section.
Representation at National Convention is based on the number of members in good standing as of March 31st, 2017.
“Locals shall ensure that no delegates shall be nominated who have not attended at least 75% of the Local’s general meetings during the previous 12 month period unless a satisfactory reason is given for such absence.”
Alternate delegates
Locals should elect an alternate delegate for each accredited delegate in the event that they can’t attend Convention.
Locals can send observers to Convention. Observers shall have the right to observe the proceedings, but they shall not have the right to vote nor to participate in debate”.
What are the costs?
Delegates: All expenses are borne by the USGE.
(Includes: transportation, hotel accommodation, loss of wages and other authorized expenses)
Observers: All expenses are the Local’s responsibility which includes a registration fee of $100.00 per observer.
What to do after your nomination?
Locals need to submit the name of the Local’s accredited Delegates, Alternate(s) and Observer(s), along with the date of the meeting when the elections took place, to the National President. This can be done by emailing:
Once submitted delegates, alternate(s) and observer(s) will be able to register to the 2017 Convention here.
When is the deadline to register?
Friday, January 20, 2017
What happens if I don’t register before the deadline?
All Delegates and Alternate(s) registering after January 20. 2017 will be considered late Delegate(s) and late alternate(s).
A late delegate motion is put forward at convention to ratify the late delegates so that they can take their place with the other delegates. Should this motion be passed, late Delegates will be directed to the convention office to get their credentials and material.
Will I get a confirmation of my registration and attendance?
Once you complete your online registration, you will receive a confirmation receipt. This signifies that USGE National Office has received your registration.
Within 3 weeks, and once your registration has been verified, you will receive a confirmation of your capacity to participate in Convention.
When will I receive travel and hotel accommodation information?
February 2017
Do I make my own hotel reservation and travel?
Hotel Reservation: USGE works directly with the hotel. All delegates changes should be directed through the National Office to:
Travel arrangements: USGE will be providing all Delegates with the name of the travel agency who will be booking travel arrangements for Convention. You will make your travel arrangements with this company. As mentioned above, details for travel will be sent in February 2017.
Can I arrive prior and/or leave after the prescribed Convention dates?
Yes. If this is the case, USGE National Office needs to be notified at:
If you intend to stay extra nights at the Hilton Toronto prior to, and/or after, the Convention dates, USGE National Office needs to update our rooming list and notify the Hotel.
If you chose to stay at a different hotel for the extra nights, you are required to make your own arrangements for those extra nights.
However, in both cases, the National Office will need to be notified so we can advise the Travel Agency of the changes in your travel days.
Will I receive an advance?
If you are a Delegate an advance will be deposited into your bank account on July 7, 2017. Please ensure that we have your bank account information on file.
*Please note that we no longer issue cheques.
Which Convention committees are formed?
Six (6) committees are formed for Convention:
- Bylaws (and Regulations)
- Finance
- General (Policies, PSAC Constitution, Collective Bargaining, NJC, Misc)
- Host
- Credentials
- Nominations
The Host committee is formed in early 2017 by members who are not Delegates or Observers to Convention. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Host Committee please contact any Ontario RVP (Janet Hauck – RCMP, Carol Osborne – CSC Community, Bill Bailey – CSC, or Danielle Belleau – NCR)
The Credentials and Nominations Committees are only active during the days of Convention.
When and where are they held?
April 11th and 12th, 2017 at the Hilton Lac Leamy, Gatineau, Quebec.
How can I participate in a Convention Committee?
If you are interested in taking part in a Convention Committee, please contact your RVP.
Can I submit a resolution?
Resolutions adopted at Local meetings can be brought to USGE’s National Convention. The following form needs to be completed here.
How to write a resolution?
To assist you in writing a resolution, USGE National Office has prepared a document which you can find on our website.
When is the deadline to submit a resolution?
Friday, January 20th, 2017
What happens if I submit a resolution after the deadline?
Resolutions received after the above-mentioned date will be considered late and will not be included in the resolution book. They will be dealt with at convention after all other resolutions have been voted on, and if time permits.