Day two of the PSAC-TB National Bargaining Conference in Montreal started on February 20 with PSAC’s Alliance Executive Officers providing opening remarks to the delegation, then led the participants to regroup per bargaining table. In the breakout rooms, delegates took to the microphones to motivate specific bargaining demands. This was an excellent opportunity for USJE delegates to promote USJE’s top 25 bargaining demands, including remote work, AI, leave improvements and union rights.

Throughout the day, USJE members and RVPs lobbied PSAC delegates from all components to promote USJE’s candidates. They shared campaign materials and discussed the importance of specific bargaining demands.
At the top of USJE’s bargaining demands is union job security—a bargaining demand that will ensure that elected union officials have a job to return to once their union service is completed. USJE members handed out flyers and signs to discuss this important issue.
To close out the day, USJE hosted a reception for all delegates at the conference. It was an opportunity for guests to meet our candidates, and a chance for USJE members to further discuss our bargaining priorities.

On Friday, the delegates will spend the entire day discussing and prioritizing bargaining demands.