On May 1 and 2, National President David Neufeld, RVP Sonia O’Brien-Colterman, RCMP Labour Relations representatives Deirdre Lepage and Melissa Fulco, and members of USJE’s Communications team visited several RCMP sites in Ottawa to speak with USJE members about their work as part of the national RCMP Campaign.

On May 1, the tours began at 1200 Vanier Parkway, where the representatives learned about some of the work done within the Canadian Criminal Real Time Identification Services (CCRTIS – pronounced ‘secrets’), including fingerprint analysis and criminal record management. The team learned about the unique skills required to excel in CCRTIS, the in-house training programs, the importance of staff retention, and how each specialty within the department functions collaboratively with each other to help ensure public safety. Thank you to Managers Ana Sebastian and Jennifer Gates-Flaherty for facilitating such a thorough tour of the department.
In the afternoon, the delegation met with Lab Manager Ghislain Cormier who graciously provided an extensive tour of the RCMP forensic labs. The team learned about the highly specialized work done by Civilian Members (CMs) across the labs, including DNA analysis and the DNA Data Bank, firearms, explosives and trace element analysis. This work is crucial to not just the RCMP, but law enforcement agencies across Canada.
Over the course of the day, President Neufeld and RVP O’Brien-Colterman were able to speak one-on-one with several CMs wishing to learn more about USJE and PSAC, and their transition to representation with the unions. USJE has a special webpage dedicated to CM updates and information, with quick links to sign a membership card and FAQs about the transition.

On May 2, the USJE representatives kicked off the day with a visit to the RCMP Musical Ride stables. USJE members help ensure the smooth operation of the Musical Ride program, from administration to stable hands, blacksmiths, farriers, and trainers. Many thanks to Superintendent Kevin Faheyfor the escort, and to the many passionate USJE members who spoke to the team about their hard work keeping the program running.
Next, the team headed across the street to the Canadian Police College, where they were greeted by Rob Gilchrist, Melanie Bilodeau, Alexandre St-Denis and several USJE members who develop all the courses taught at the College. USJE was guided on a tour of different departments where our members work, including administration, AV, and course design.
The final site visit of the whirlwind two days took place at the RCMP Technical Operations (TPOF) in Orleans. Representatives visited the post garage, where all Ottawa-region RCMP vehicles are serviced. The post garage is also responsible for servicing armoured vehicles for dignitaries, including the Prime Minister. Thank you to Benoit Oullette for facilitating the tour, and congratulations again on your upcoming retirement.
USJE thanks to all the members who took the time to chat with us about their work, both informally during the tours and in interviews for the national RCMP Campaign. The USJE Communications team conducted more than 20 interviews over the course of the two days!
These site visits help USJE understand the unique, specialized work done by USJE members behind the scenes at the RCMP. The diversity of Public Service Employee and Civilian Member positions within the RCMP is incredible, and the team learned so much over the two days. It’s clear to USJE that our members’ work is critical to maintaining public safety in Canada, which is why we have created the national RCMP campaign.
If you are a USJE member working for the RCMP and would like to participate in the Campaign, reach out to the Communications team at USJEcommunicationSESJ@psac-afpc.com to arrange an interview in person or online.